

I sometimes see people who use eco-bags in supermarket. It goes without saying that this action is good for environment. However, It is difficult for students like me to make use of eco-bags because there are some reaseons why I think so. 
First, I can't carry eco-bag around. I don't dicide when I go to super market. Therefore, if I try to use eco-bags, I must come home and bring the bag. It is hard work.
Next, eco-bags are not cool as impression among students. Now, a few student use the bag. To improve the impression, the bag should be spreaded around Japan, especially around students.
These are the reasons. How can we change this situation?? Very difficult!!!

1 件のコメント:

  1. It's a complex problem. I heard that when we produce eco-bags we need many ingredient and eco-bags are made with useless fossil fuel. i have to study harder about environment. Study together!!
